[GRASS-user] Problems with v.outlier and v.lidar.edgedetection

Michael Perdue michael_perdue at yahoo.ca
Thu Nov 9 13:00:58 EST 2006

Good Morning,

I've been playing with some tools for working with lidar data sets  
and I've encountered two problems. First, when I try to run v.outlier  
the module immediately exits with "Bus error" warning.

GRASS 6.2.0 (Mudflats):~ > v.outlier input=pslc2k_sub2 output=clean  
Bus error

Second, in my attempts to classify the point clouds  
v.lidar.edgedetection runs for a while and then exits with the  
following error;

GRASS 6.2.0 (Mudflats):~ > v.lidar.edgedetection input=Gldcrk_sub2  
DBMI-DBF driver error:
Table 'Auxiliar_edge_table' doesn't exist.
Error in db_execute_immediate()

ERROR: Impossible to write in the database

I'm running GRASS on an intel mac (OSX 10.4.8). Does anyone have any  
insight into either of these issues?


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