[GRASS-user] Storing scripts directly on the WIKI add-ons site

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 16 18:26:09 EST 2006

Patton, Eric wrote:
> Hi,
> Is it possible to upload and store scripts as tar.bz2 files to the
> WIKI add-ons? I can't find the procedure to do this. Pretty much all
> contributors to the add-ons have their own dedicated http site to host
> their scripts, but I seem to remember once that you could store
> add-ons directly on the WIKI site somehow. 
> I see that there is an 'Upload file' link under the toolbox on the
> left-hand side of the screen, but it only allows image uploads.

it is a serious problem, as often people's personal www space goes away
after a few years and the script is lost.

we should really keep a backup..

re storing files in the wiki:

hopefully we can set up an upload area at
(this would require an admin to ok the upload before making it public,
but I think we can handle that)


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