[GRASS-user] blank screen on displaying a raster

javier ormeño ormeno.javier at gmail.com
Sat Nov 18 21:14:31 EST 2006


I`m starting to use grass 6.0.1, read the manual (of the Hannover
courses) and played with the spearfish example data (displaying
rasters on 0x and viz). But i m having trouble when i try to start a
new map. these are the steps I'm following:

1.- create a new location, selected x,y coordinate system, stated a
description, defined the default region according to the dimensions of
the images in pixels (north: 3179, east 2450, grid resolution e-w: 1
n-s 1).

2.- enter the new location as PERMANNET, import image with r.in.gdal,
selecting the jpg file, naming the resulting map. hit Run, and it
creates xxx.red, xxx.blue xxx.green.

3.- trouble starts from this point on, if i choose to display a raster
with d.rast map=xxx.blue (starting x0 early, which works in TrueColor
with 16777216 colors)
nothing happens in monitor x0. next tried with display raster with rgb
overlay selecting the corespondent raster previously created (red,
green and blue),  hit run (a green bar fills up and displayed the
above command) nothing happens, but if i use the command on the
terminal "d.rgb red=xxx.red green=xxx.green blue=xxx.blue" i get
"error: Cell layer [fxxx.red] does not exsist" and nothing happens in
the monitor (x0)

4.- i tried with r.composite to created a single raster from the red
green and blue existing, and i checked that my location (xy
coordinates) were the same as resolution of the rasters created and
same as the image (in pixels with g.region to match the raster) but it
still doesn`t display the raster.
I Also tried these same steps with a new location for a tiff image,
but no results in displaying the raster.

If somebody could help me out pointing put if i`m missing a step or
something with a wrong command it would be very appreciated. If more
information is required, please let me know.


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