[GRASS-user] Springer Encyclopedia of GIS, GRASS entry

Andreas Neumann neumann at karto.baug.ethz.ch
Mon Nov 20 15:18:27 EST 2006

Hi Malte,

This would be great.

>1. When is the december deadline
I don't know exactly. It might be in the middle of december or even in 
January? I am not the project manager. I had two different contracts 
with Springer. One was due in december, the other in january ...

>2. Who#s already writing something about GRASS

>3. Where are all pieces collected
Springer has an upload and review system. But anything prior to that 
should be organized by the Grass community (there was the proposal to 
use a Wiki page for that purpose, but I don't think there is anything 
concrete, currently)

>4. What needs to be done?
the entry should be 8-12 pages - here is an example: 

>5. which format (latex, odf, ...)
they have latex or doc templates

If you agree to be the primary contact, I'll forward your contact 
information to the responsible person at Springer.

Thanks a lot,

Andreas Neumann
Institute of Cartography
ETH Zurich
Wolfgang-Paulistrasse 15
CH-8093  Zurich, Switzerland

Phone: ++41-44-633 3031, Fax: ++41-44-633 1153
e-mail: neumann at karto.baug.ethz.ch
www: http://www.carto.net/neumann/
SVG.Open: http://www.svgopen.org/
Carto.net: http://www.carto.net/

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