[GRASS-user] Importing a SDTS/DLG files?

James McManus jmpmcmanus at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 29 13:10:19 EST 2006

Hamish wrote:
> James McManus wrote:
>> I'm trying to import SDTS/DLG files. I attempted to use v.in.ogr, by 
>> importing the TR01CATD.DDF file:
>> v.in.ogr dsn=grassdata/USGS/BarHarbor/RD/TR01CATD.DDF
>> output=BHroads min_area=0.0001 snap=-1
>> The file was imported, however I got several warnings, informing me that
>> the feature was imported without the geometry. When I viewed the file I 
>> got a white screen without features.
> # change zoom to extent of map
> g.region vect=BHroads
> d.vect BHroads
> ?
> what does "v.info BHroads" show? any features?
>> I would like to try using v.in.dlg. It does not appear to be included in 
>> grass-6.2.0. Has this routine been discontinued in grass-6.2.0? It is 
>> shown as being ported from grass-5.3 to grass-6.0 in:
>> http://grass.gdf-hannover.de/wiki/GRASS_Module_Porting_List
> no, it has not been ported, OGR is the prefered way.
> ("no comment" means not ported in the wiki list)
> Hamish

When I issue the "g.region vect=BHroads" or "v.info BHroads" I get the 
following error message:

ERROR: Cannot open old vector BHroads at PERMANENT on level 2

If the original location information is not the same as the data, would 
this problem occur? For instance if the resolution is not the same. I've 
not found good meta-data on the resolution of this data. I also suspect 
that some of the other location meta-data I am using may be incorrect. I 
tried using "expand area" without success. However, in all cases the 
file is imported. I just can't view it.


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