[GRASS-user] v.proj needs a -g flag for parsable output

Patton, Eric epatton at nrcan.gc.ca
Tue Oct 10 15:30:16 EDT 2006

I'd like to get people's thoughts on this - could we have a -g flag in
v.proj to output a listing  of input maps in the specified location in
script-friendly format? I need to reproject about 200 maps and the -l output
is too messy to feed into a loop. I guess I can always do:

v.proj -l input=dummy location=LATLONG_WGS84 mapset=PERMANENT | awk 'BEGIN
{OFS="," ; ORS=","} NF == 2 {print $1, $2}' | sed 's/,$//g' > input_list.txt

It would be nice to be able to automatically output comma-delimited input
maps for those big batch jobs, though. 

~ Eric.

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