[GRASS-user] Copying grass rasters from one computer to another?

Glynn Clements glynn at gclements.plus.com
Mon Oct 23 20:32:52 EDT 2006

Jonathan Greenberg wrote:

> If I want to copy specific grass rasters to another computer, what files
> need to come along?  Is there project "metadata" that exists within a grass
> project, or are the rasters fairly self-contained?

It's easier to copy whole mapsets, or even locations.

A raster map can be comprised of many different files; all of the
files have the same name, but live in different subdirectories of the
mapset directory. The directories for a raster map are:

	cell cellhd cats colr hist cell_misc fcell g3dcell

Most maps will only have files in a subset of those directories. Also,
the cell_misc directory has a subdirectory for each map rather than a
single file.

Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>

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