[GRASS-user] Installation problem

gotnidea! Business Development Centre gotnidea at gmail.com
Fri Oct 27 11:17:21 EDT 2006

Thanks, that was a nice tour and I could understand how GRASS works and
where could there be a problem at my end.

When one is really not sure as to how a thing is going to work, it is really
a tough task to make oneself believe that it can actually work. That tour
was a thousand times better that what all material I had gathered over the
last 4 days!

Well, I am really excited seeing it finally working. Thanks a lot!!


On 10/27/06, Moritz Lennert <mlennert at club.worldonline.be> wrote:
> gotnidea! Business Development Centre wrote:
> > But how can I view the displays? They are totally blank.
> What are you doing to try to display a map ? Have you tried zooming to
> the selected map ? Please be more specfic if you want us to help you.
> > I don't know
> > how to view the GRASS maps of spearfish60. Please someone guide me?
> Maybe this will help you:
> http://www-pool.math.tu-berlin.de/~soeren/grass/modules/screenshots/grass63feature_tour.html
> > I think I should have downloaded an earlier version of GRASS at my end.
> I think once you get past the first hurdle you will find that 6.3 is
> worth it.
> Moritz
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