[GRASS-user] problem in grd output file

Dylan Beaudette dylan.beaudette at gmail.com
Fri Sep 8 13:11:14 EDT 2006

On Friday 08 September 2006 12:29, temiz wrote:
> Hello
> I  used this command to create GMT map.
> r.out.bin -h input=elv1 output=el2.grd.
> But GMT's grdinfo command gives
> $ grdinfo el2.grd
> grdinfo: Not a netCDF file [el2.grd]
> How can I produce GMT compatible grid file?
> regards
> --
> Ahmet Temiz


There are two ways to do this, both of which I will be discussing in a soon to 
be finished ;) article for the GRASS newsletter.

in summary:

#hackish way see this:

#for a better approach, use r.out.bin | xyz2grd :
MAP_TYPE=`r.info -t "$output_raster" | cut -f2 -d'='`

case "$MAP_TYPE" in
r.out.bin input=$output_raster output=- null=-9999 | 
xyz2grd -G$output_raster.grd -R$min_x/$max_x/$min_y/$max_y -I$ewres/$nsres -ZTLh -F -N-9999
		r.out.bin input=$output_raster output=- null=-9999 | 
xyz2grd -G$output_raster.grd -R$min_x/$max_x/$min_y/$max_y -I$ewres/$nsres -ZTLf -F -N-9999 ;; 
		r.out.bin input=$output_raster output=- null=-9999 | 
xyz2grd -G$output_raster.grd -R$min_x/$max_x/$min_y/$max_y -I$ewres/$nsres -ZTLd -F -N-9999 ;; 

attached is a sample script, which will be presented in the newsletter article 

Dylan Beaudette
Soils and Biogeochemistry Graduate Group
University of California at Davis
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