[GRASS-user] Geology and GRASS

Luca Penasa luca.penasa at email.it
Fri Apr 6 15:18:10 EDT 2007

Im studiyng geology at the Padua University (It) and iv used GRASS for 
many porpouse: creating dem, analyse rasters, reproject maps, etc
Now i would like to know what kind of possibilities offers grass for a 
Is there anybody who use grass for geology survey?? or for others kind 
of geology-related applications?

an example...
if i have a DEM and the informations necessary to represent a plane (the 
dip and the direction)... is possible to trace the intersections of the 
plane with the dem???
in others words...
the plane i know represent a lithostratigraphic limit... and i want to 
trace the limit intersection with topography... how can i do?

What other things can i do with grass (about geology)??

Sorry for my english... its really poor

and Thanks..
Luca Penasa
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