[GRASS-user] flyer_v1.0

Agustin Diez Castillo Agustin.Diez at uv.es
Fri Apr 13 15:17:59 EDT 2007

Nice Job,
I think it deserves other languages version, I can take care of the
Spanish one as soon as the LaTeX template is out.
>There have been several request to get the LaTeX template for public
>consumption / translation. I will put it on a SVN (anonymous login
>than) in the next days (hopefully :-)).

Agustín Diez Castillo PhD
Departament de Prehistòria i Arqueologia
Universitat de València    Phone:   +34 963 86 42 42
Avda. Blasco Ibañez, 28   Fax:      +34 963 86 42 34
València 46010

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