[GRASS-user] Rectangle as neighbourhood to point

Martin_Besta martin.besta at googlemail.com
Sat Aug 18 09:51:08 EDT 2007

v.mkgrid gives exactly what I needed. Thanks Hamish! 
BUT:) It takes though some "manual" work to set the corner of grid to the
right place (I need that my points accord with the centroids of
neighbourhood). It requiers only a little bit computing with the

HamishB wrote:
> Martin Besta wrote:
>> I tried to make rectangular neighbourhood for points in regular grid
>> with v.voronoi. I need for each point his rectangular neighbourhood
>> 300x300m (distance between points is 300m). But v.voronoi has made
>> this square only for some of them.  This is result
>> http://best.krajinari.com/voronoi.png.
>> v.info gives folloving information for both layer (points and voronoi
>> polygons):
>> points:
>> Number of points: 7873
>> polygons:
>> Number of centroids:7873
>> Number of areas:2619
>> For my work is circle sufficient too, but square would be the best
>> solution. I tried also other possibilities as buffer (only circle and
>> all neighbourhood as one polygon), v.neighbors gives me also circle
>> neighbourhood in raster (which I need as sampling area in r.le, or
>> r.li ) but each cell has only 1 as value. I need for every
>> neighborhood unique value. 
> how about v.mkgrid + v.select or v.overlay?
> Hamish
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