[GRASS-user] Native wingrass-6.3.cvs

Ted Nebitko tnebitko at can.rogers.com
Thu Aug 23 10:46:06 EDT 2007


  I downloaded wingrass63_cvs20070820.zip <http://moritz.homelinux.org/grass/wingrass/wingrass63_cvs20070820.zip>20-Aug-2007 16:37 23M version and and launched the file to the c:\ drive. Using cmd and grass63.bat, I got the opening gui where the location and mapset (spearfish60) were placed. But when "enter grass" was pressed the following "error in startup script' occurred.

  .ERROR: program 'g.gisenv' cannot be executed because: Neither a command line (cmd) or interactive (inter) version was found. 
  mail: not found while executing "exec g-gisenv get=GISDBASE" invoked from within 
  "set env(GISDBASE) [exec g.gisenv get=GISDBASE]" 
  (file "c:/grass/grass-6.3.cvs\etc\gm\gm.tcl" line31) 

I have cygwin Grass6.0.cvs running successfully on my d:\ drive  and the two grassrc6 files do not appear to conflict since they are on separate drives. 

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