[GRASS-user] (no subject)
Yamil Ortega
jiuman at gmail.com
Mon Aug 27 22:15:30 EDT 2007
Hi all.
I wonder if anyone can help me with this task.
I have a fedora core 7 running the grass 6.2.2 I want to create this image
from a sh file that insert the epicenter points dynamically.
here is the code that I am using.
I've been able to configure the sh file in order to work perfectly with the
grass, but when I run the sh file I got an error that says that BMNG_May.rgb
is not available
Step 1
Ok, reading and reading, I realized that I didn't imported the map world
image into the location, and the sh file on this line is saying that is a
raster map.
d.rast BMNG_May.rgb || error_routine "d.rast"
Asking on this list, I downloaded this image
(I changed the longname.jpg to "worldmap.jpg")and in the end is a raster
map, and tried to import it.
And here comes the problem with projections. With my short knowledge in map
projections I have set up this projection
Projection: 3 (Latitude-Longitud)
Zone: 0
Datum: wgs84
Ellipsoid: wgs84
North : 90N
South: 90S
West: 180W
East: 180E
Nsres: 1
Ewres: 1
Rows: 180
Cols 360
Cells: 64800
And when I tried to import the map with this instruccion r.in.gdal
input=/home/yamil/Desktop/mapa.jpg output=rimportmap I get this error
Projection of dataset does not appear to match current location.
name: Latitude-Longitude
datum: wgs84
towgs84: 0.000,0.000,0.000
proj: ll
ellps: wgs84
Import dataset PROJ_INFO is:
cellhd.proj = 0 (unreferenced/unknown)
You can use the -o flag to r.in.gdal to override this check and use the
location definition for the dataset.
Consider generating a new location from the input dataset using the
'location' parameter.
I tried to use the -o option and I get this error r.in.gdal -o
input=/home/yamil/Desktop/mapa.jpg output=rimportmap
Over-riding projection check
Proceding with import
G_set_windows(): Illegal latitude for North
I tried the newlocation option with this instruction and works fine
r.in.gdal input=/home/yamil/Desktop/mapa.jpg output=rimportmap
Step 2
Now, I changed the Location and work with the newmapworld location create a
new mapset, and create the final raster image based on the 3 RGB files
imported with this instruction
r.composite red=rimportmap.red at PERMANENT green=rimportmap.green at PERMANENT
blue=rimportmap.blue at PERMANENT levels=32 output=finalrworldmap
Works fine.
Step 3
And now, I configure the sh file changing the mapset and location values,
and the name of the final raster file (BMNG_May.rgb is now finalrworldmap)
and get this image
The red points are now on the left bottom corner, and I realize that the
problem is because the projection in step 2, is in X,Y format. I tried to
change the projection but I wasn't able to do that.
Does anyone know a better way to solve this? Or Did I do wrong in a specific
Thank you very much. I hope you don't get bored with this silly questions.
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