[GRASS-user] nan values by v.generalize

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Fri Dec 14 09:53:54 EST 2007

On 14/12/07 15:37, Andre Hauptfleisch wrote:
> I'll try to upload the vector layer I used to an ftp site. What would 
> the best output format be? DXF?

You can just use the output of v.out.ascii. If the file is not too 
large, you can zip the output and send it to me directly.


> On Dec 14, 2007 4:13 PM, Moritz Lennert < mlennert at club.worldonline.be 
> <mailto:mlennert at club.worldonline.be>> wrote:
>     On 14/12/07 14:48, Andre Hauptfleisch wrote:
>      > Good day guys,
>      >
>      > I came across a problem in the v.generalize module. I do the
>     following:
>      > v.generalize input=myvect at test output=myvect_smooth type=line
>      > method=hermite threshold=10
>      >
>      > I then do a v.out.svg and noticed the following line in the svg file:
>      > <path gg:cat="31" d="M 111.500000 -80.500000 l 8.734748 4.771559
>      > 9.907176 6.337565 nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan" />
>      >
>      > Any idea how I can get rid of those nan's? They cause stuff such as
>      > v.to.rast to hang.
>     I cannot reproduce this with the speafish60 dataset:
>     v.out.svg input=roads at PERMANENT output=roads type=line precision=6
>     layer=1
>     and
>     v.generalize input=roads at PERMANENT output=roads_smooth type=line
>     method=hermite threshold=10 look_ahead=7 reduction=50 slide=0.5
>     angle_thresh=3 degree_thresh=0 closeness_thresh=0 betweeness_thresh=0
>     alpha=1.0 beta=1.0 iterations=1 layer=1
>     v.out.svg input=roads_smooth at user1 output=roads_smooth type=line
>     precision=6 layer=1
>     Both give me svg files without nan's.
>     Can you reproduce this with spearfish data ? Can you look at the line
>     with cat=31 in your grass vector (maybe in v.digit) and see if there is
>     anything abnormal about it ?
>     Moritz
> -- 
> Groete,
> Andre Hauptfleisch
> M: 082 5722 469
> F: 086 687 1106
> E: ahaupt at gmail.com <mailto:ahaupt at gmail.com>

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