[GRASS-user] Intersect point theme with polygon theme - possible?

Jarek Jasiewicz jarekj at amu.edu.pl
Thu Feb 1 12:23:16 EST 2007

Wolfgang Qual napisał(a):
> Hi list,
> I have a point theme containing addresses and a polygon theme which contains some administrative boundaries. I would like to have the boundary-information inside of the point theme (address #2 should receive the number of the administrative boundary #34, for example). Is it possible to do this within GRASS?
> Maybe the picture below explains better, what I would like to have:
>    ------------      x(1)
>    |          |
>    |    x(2)  |----------
>    |        34|         |
>    |          |      32 |
>    -----------|---------|
> Best regards,
> Wolfgang

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