[GRASS-user] zone statistics ?

Didrik Pinte dpinte at itae.be
Mon Jan 8 08:29:34 EST 2007


Is it possible to get kind of zonal statistics in Grass ? I don't know
if the term is the rigth one, but here is what I want to do.

I have two vector layers. I want to update the first layer using
information from the second layer.

Layer_2 is a network of cells with an average pumping rate. 

If cell_1 of layer_1 overlaps cell_2 and cell_3 in layer_2, I want the
average pumping rate of cell_1 to be a spatial mean of the pumping rates
of cell_2 and cell_3 according to their surface in cell1.

Is it clear enough ?

I'm sure there is a pretty straigthforward way to do this in grass but I
haven't found it.

Thank you all in advance for the help.


Ps : I'm running Grass 6.2.0 (Debian/Sid).
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