[GRASS-user] Lock problem

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 9 06:47:36 EDT 2007

H.S.Rai wrote:
> On Ubuntu Feisty, default GRASS6.0.2, was working fine.
> Following http://les-ejk.cz/ubuntu/ I upgraded to GRASS6.2

Is this 6.2.1 or 6.2.2rc1? For Ubuntu 6.2.2rc1 is strongly recommened.
GRASS 6.2.1 expects /bin/sh to point to bash, which is wrong for newer
Ubuntus, they use dash. This is fixed for 6.2.2.

> I worked fine once, but later on invoking it gave following problem:
> ----------
> LOCATION_NAME not set.
> /usr/lib/grass/etc/init.sh:573:/usr/lib/grass/etc/lock: permission
> denied Unable to properly access ///.gislock
> ------------

There is the problem. "///.gislock": $GISDBASE, $LOCATION_NAME, and
$MAPSET are empty.

$GISBASE/etc/Init.sh does:
# Check for concurrent use
"$ETC/lock" "$lockfile" $$

Those are empty so LOCATION is reduced to ""/""/"" = "//" and the
lock program tries to create a lock file in the system root directory.

> In my own wisdom(?) I deleted lock file and created with 777
> permission. This did not solve problem.
> I uninstalled GRASS6.2, and installed GRASS6.0.2 from default Ubuntu
> repositories, but found it still gives lock problem.
> How to get rid of this LOCKED problem.

try moving ~/.grassrc6 out of the way, or edit what's inside it if it's

or try starting grass with

$ grass6 /path/to/mapset

another (unlikely) idea is that the g.gisenv module is broken somehow.


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