[GRASS-user] Importing MODIS L2 data
Ivan Shmakov
oneingray at gmail.com
Tue Jul 31 07:07:51 EDT 2007
>>>>> Michael Perdue <michael_perdue at yahoo.ca> writes:
> I have a set of MODIS HDF files that I'm trying to work with.
> Importing is fine, but the issue is the geolocation information. The
> files store two arrays; one for latitude and one for longitude where
> each pixel in the arrays store the latitude and longitude for the
> corresponding Image pixel.
I. e., it's MODIS L2 data. (As opposed to MODIS L3 data, which
is stored on a cartographic grid and may require you to use
`gdalwarp' to get the geolocation in the GRASS right.)
> Does anyone have an efficient method of using this info to re-project
> the images from Image space into map space?
There's a number of packages to facilitate transformation of
MODIS swath data to cartographic grids. Among others are the
MODIS Swath-To-Grid Toolbox (MS2GT) [1], MODIS Reprojection Tool
[2] and HDF-EOS to Geotiff (HEG) [3].
Personally, I've been using MS2GT's `fornav' together with
`proj' (from PROJ.4 [4]), `hdfdump' [5] and (unreleased, but
available) Rawtools [6], tied into a script which makes use of
`g.proj' and `r.in.bin' as well. However, HEG seems to be a
more comprehensive solution (except that the number of
projections it currently supports is nowhere close to the vast
set supported by PROJ.4.)
I've never used MODIS Reprojection Tool.
I wasn't able to find the license for either MS2GT or HEG.
MS2GT is provided as the source code package, while HEG is
provided, IIUC, in binary form only (for a number of platforms.)
[1] http://nsidc.org/data/modis/ms2gt/
[2] http://edcdaac.usgs.gov/landdaac/tools/modis/index.asp
[3] http://newsroom.gsfc.nasa.gov/sdptoolkit/HEG/HEGHome.html
[4] http://www.remotesensing.org/proj/
[5] http://theory.asu.ru/~ivan/devel/hdfdump/
[6] http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/rawtools/
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