[GRASS-user] Labelling in gis.m profile tool

Patton, Eric epatton at nrcan.gc.ca
Fri Mar 9 09:04:15 EST 2007

Patton, Eric wrote:
>> Does the gis.m profiler now have additional labels on the x and y
>> axes? I've updated to the latest cvs along with make distclean, but
>> the profiler only labels the maximum and minimum on the y-axis. IIRC,
>> there was some discussion between Michael and Hamish about recent
>> improvements to the profiler, but I can't locate the thread.

>The profiler (or for that matter the GIS) has no idea what the units of
>the raster map are, so the y axis can't be labeled. There is no
>formalized raster map meta-data spot for that so we can't just pluck it
>from the map, and assuming meters is Bad.

Would there be a way to fit in an optimal number of labels soley based on the amount of postscript space being used by the y-axis? The profiler seems to output an eps of the same dimensions each time, so couldn't the label size be used as a unit of measurement itself for fitting additional labels along each axis? Like an equal interval spacing or something.

~ Eric.

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