[GRASS-user] ascii to dem

antonio rodriguez antonio.raju at gmail.com
Fri Mar 16 06:53:08 EDT 2007

>> r.in.xyz z=3 fs='space' input=baty2.xyz out=baty
>> Scanning data ...
>> ERROR:Not enough data columns. Incorrect delimiter or column number?
>> Found
>>       the following character(s) in row 1:
>>       [-9 38 -137]
>> Don't know what I'm doing wrong since the 1st column holds the x's 
>> (longitude) values, the 2nd column, lat values, and 3rd column the z 
>> values (elevation +/-) The column delimiter is 'space'
> try fs=tab, or fs=space without the 'quotes' (if done from the GUI
> window, from the command line 'quotes' shouldn't matter).
> AndI think it is hoping for just one space,
> this might help:
> cat bathy2.xyz | awk '{print $1 $2 $3}' > bathy3.txt
> ?
> Hamish

Thanks Hamish, it helps a lot. What a powerful tool is awk (if one knows 
how to use it :-[ )

The raster data is imported fine, but when trying to convert it to a 
vector file:

r.to.vect in=bati3 out=bati3 

Extracting lines ...
update_list: crowded cell 8H (1,2)
ERROR:Raster map is not thinned properly.
      Please run r.thin.

I do that, but:

r.thin in=bati3 out=bati3_thin

File bati3 -- 241 rows X 421 columns
Bounding box: l = 2, r = 422, t = 2, b = 242
Pass number 1
Deleted 1320 pixels
Pass number 2
Deleted 1312 pixels
Pass number 3
Deleted 1304 pixels
Pass number 4
Deleted 1296 pixels

At the end of the process almost all the data were erased. What is 
r.thin finding so wrong in my data that it deletes almost everything?



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