[GRASS-user] Encountering an error importing shapefiles with v.in.ogr

Raffaele Morelli raffaele.morelli at gmail.com
Thu Mar 22 06:52:56 EDT 2007

2007/3/22, Hamish <hamish_nospam at yahoo.com>:
> Moritz Lennert wrote:
> >
> > You can try to rerun the entire cleaning operation that v.in.ogr uses,
> > i.e.:
> >
> > v.clean in=inmap out=outmap_clean_vinogr
> > tool=snap,bpol,rmdupl,break,rmdupl,rmsa,chdangle,rmdangle,chbridge,rm
> > bridge thresh=0.000001
> >
> > and maybe play around with the thresh parameter, depending on your
> > projection and data resolution.
> Hi,
> Radim often made it known that 'v.in.ogr -c' + v.clean is not the same
> as v.in.ogr's built-in cleaning.

Can you point me to this resource? (if other than both v.in.ogr and
v.cleanman pages)
I would really appreciate to do further reading on this as often shape files
comes from arcgis (quite always in my case) and some "massaging" must be
done in order to get them properly usable with grass.

Should all these affect the patching of v.clean(ed) shapes and subsequent
missing areas in the result?


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