[GRASS-user] ugly fonts in tk GUI

Jarek Jasiewicz jarekj at amu.edu.pl
Thu Mar 22 14:22:55 EDT 2007

hajhouse napisał(a):
> Hash: SHA1
> I'm using Ubuntu Edgy and the default fonts used by all Tk applications
> (including the GRASS GUI) are really ugly! Has anyone dealt with this
> problem yet?
> By the way, I am using the packages of grass 6.2 and related items from here:
> deb http://les-ejk.cz/ubuntu edgy multiverse
> I don't remember who made these, but thank you for providing them. :)
> - -- 
> Henry House
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And probably you have nvidia, and probably you have instlalled nvidia 
drivers with automatix (or simmilar). It is the tcltk problem not grass. 
Look, all your tcltk applications fonts haven't antialiasing.

unfortunatly I didn't solve the problem. Maybe you shall look for 
solution on tcltk or nvidia news (I tried but without result). In fact: 
the problem appears in edgy (not in dapper), and is connected with 
nvidia drivers and affect on tcltk. Maybe on ubuntu 7.4 problem will not 
occur (closed drivers will be included in system)


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