[GRASS-user] Error updating GRASS

António G Rodrigues agrodrigues at ipt.pt
Fri Mar 30 05:45:06 EDT 2007

I followed the threads below and the problem is solved by changing in 
mapcanvas.tcl the line:
    global coords($mon) to global coords.

Thanks to everyone that helped with this...

Glynn Clements wrote:
> Jachym Cepicky wrote:
>>> I apdated to grass6.2 in my ubuntu system using the repositories in...
>>> deb http://les-ejk.cz/ubuntu edgy multiverse
>>> deb-src http://les-ejk.cz/ubuntu edgy multiverse
>>> The problem is that when opening grass it crashes everytime. The error message is:
>>> GRASS 6.2.1 (Europe):~ > Error in startup script: bad variable name "coords(1)": upvar won't create a scalar variable that looks like an array element
>>>     while executing
>>> "global coords($mon)"
>>>     (procedure "MapCanvas::pointer" line 5)
>>>     invoked from within
>>> "MapCanvas::pointer $mon"
>>>     (procedure "MapCanvas::create" line 226)
>>>     invoked from within
>>> "MapCanvas::create"
>>>     (procedure "Gm::startmon" line 11)
>>>     invoked from within
>>> "Gm::startmon"
>>>     (procedure "Gm::create" line 69)
>>>     invoked from within
>>> "Gm::create"
>>>     (procedure "main" line 30)
>>>     invoked from within
>>> "main $argc $argv"
>>>     (file "/usr/lib/grass/etc/gm/gm.tcl" line 521)
>>> Any clues?
>> hi, nobody else reported such problem...
> Yes they did:
> 	http://grass.itc.it/pipermail/grassuser/2007-March/038688.html
> 	http://grass.itc.it/pipermail/grassuser/2007-March/038689.html
> This is fixed in CVS.

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