[GRASS-user] Emacs with GRASS syntax highlighting?

Markus Neteler neteler at itc.it
Fri May 4 06:19:55 EDT 2007

Rainer M. Krug wrote on 05/03/2007 09:37 AM:
> Hamish wrote:
>> Rainer M. Krug wrote:
>>> is there a GRASS syntax highlighting module for Emacs? if not, is
>>> there a way of getting GRASS syntax when writing scripts?
>>> I am using GRASS 6.2.1 under SuSE 10.2
>> If it's a shell script, just use the rule for sh/bash/ash/ksh.
> Thanks Hamish for pointing this out.
> But I am also looking for additional syntax highlighting for the GRASS
> commands.
You could take a look at the "auctex" (Latex syntax highlighting) package or
ESS (Emacs Speaks Statistics) which does R-stats syntax highlighting for


ITC -> dall'1 marzo 2007 Fondazione Bruno Kessler
ITC -> since 1 March 2007 Fondazione Bruno Kessler

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