No subject

Wed Nov 14 14:03:15 EST 2007


Finally, type gmake to rebuild the gis library.
> Oh, by the way, we have another (older) problem with GRASS4.0 on a RS6000.
> I can't start a graphics monitor. When I try to type "list -f" for a list
> of available monitors, I see : Error reading from graphic device. Un -
> expected <EOF> from driver.
> Has someone already solved this problem ?

This should be fixed in the latest XDRIVER available on the ftp site.
It is in the directory "grass4.0.updates/src/display/XDRIVER".

Kurt Buehler,  Spatial Analysis and Systems Team
USACERL, P.O. Box 9005, Champaign, IL 61826-9005
1-800-USA-CERL x449,   kurt at

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