[GRASS-user] postGIS

nishith datta nkdiitd2002 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 2 15:45:56 EDT 2007

hi all,
I wish to develop a situaltional awareness system in GRASS.
I figured out this sequence of action :-
          I create a DB in which there is a table which hold location info
about different entities
         (Say two / three different types of vehicles).
         I load these onto the map display and view the data.
         Whenever I get a location update on any of the entities I update
the info on the table.
         I run a script in the background which keeps reading the table and
        displaying the entities in a endless loop - this should reflect any
changes I carryout in the
Now for the implementation :-
        I have downloaded and compiled postgresql on my machine buy since
GRASS was initially
        configured without postgresql how do I enable it .
        Do I need postGIS for this kind of task?
        Lastly , are there any errors in the sequence of action listed above
Thanks in advance
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