[GRASS-user] reducing areas and data linked

Dr. Manuel Seeger seeger at uni-trier.de
Mon Nov 12 10:17:51 EST 2007


I'm cleaning up a polygon file by dissolving boundaries and removing 
small areas. As ist results now, the topology seems to be ok. But now, 
I've a remnant of cats and additional data within my dbf-table, whic I 
would like to delete. (so, I've only about 1000 areas but 2000 lines in 
my dbf-table, which are not linked to centroids any more)

is there an elegant way to get rid of them?

thanks for hints!



Dr. Manuel Seeger
Wiss. Assistent 			Scientific Assistant
Physische Geographie 			Dpt. of Physical Geography
FB VI - Geographie/Geowissenschaften 	Geography/Geosciences
Universität Trier			University of Trier
D - 54286 Trier
Tel.:	+49-651-201 4557
Fax:	+49-651-201 3976
Web:	http://www-neu.uni-trier.de/index.php?id=9607

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