[GRASS-user] Instability of r.param.scale tcl-tk dialog

Jarosław Jasiewicz jarekj at amu.edu.pl
Wed Nov 14 09:44:13 EST 2007

Maris Nartiss pisze:
> Hi,
> first - You are talking about CVS HEAD?
> Your locale (UI messages are in English)?
PL (polish)
> Precise location of problem (I was unable to reproduce it).
second tab of r.slope.aspect, dialog run from gis.m manager (not from 
g.m or command line, in these cases all work OK!)
> This problem is caused by some not so clever wrapping/scrollbar code,
> that fails on edge cases and needs to be fixed - only where?
> Maris.
> 2007/11/14, Jarosław Jasiewicz <jarekj at amu.edu.pl>:
>> This strange situations occurs only on second tab of gui dialog or
>> r.param.scale
>> when entering to second tab (settings) the tab starts blink And takes
>> all comuters resources . The only way to take back control over the
>> grass gis.m is to kill wish manually and starts gis.m again
>> I have relatively fresh compilation of cvs (probably from previous week)
>> Jarek
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