[GRASS-user] HDF-EOS swath to grid (GeoTiff) conversion
Nikos Alexandris
nikos.alexandris at felis.uni-freiburg.de
Wed Nov 21 08:42:23 EST 2007
I will have to study that (!) carefully. Thank you for your time.
BTW: I tried to reproject MODIS surface reflectance data with Markus script
first from sinusoidal to WGS84 and then to HGRS87. And it works... ! But I
can't get it in one line command successfuly.
I posted also in gdal (as I unterstand -with my limited experiences- it is a
Link to gdal-dev:
Ivan Shmakov wrote:
>>>>>> Nikos Alexandris <nikos.alexandris at felis.uni-freiburg.de> writes:
> [...]
> >>> you can use gdal_translate to add (per scanline) GCPs to the metadata
> >>> before running gdalwarp. gdal_translate -gcp pixel line easting
> >>> northing [elevation]
> >> Indeed, it works, at least for the AIRS data. (Although I've
> >> had to upgrade GDAL 1.3.2, as supplied with Debian 4.0 r1, to
> >> 1.4.3.)
> >> For those who are interested, the script I've used looks roughly
> >> as follows:
> > You think your script would be applicable to Surface Reflectance
> > products (L2) ?
> Do you mean MODIS L2 data? Well, I'll assume it for now...
> > Sorry for bothering again, but since I've limited experience with
> > scripts... I ask before I I try to modify it for my need.
> I'll try to comment on some of the points where the script is
> tied closely to the AIRS L2 data format.
> >> --cut--
> >> #!/bin/bash
> >> file=AIRS.2007.07.09.079.L2.RetStd.v4.0.9.102.D07190164053.hdf
> >> file_gcp=airs-2007-07-09-gran-79-l2-retstd-tsurfstd-gcp+0.5.tiff
> >>
> file_out=airs-2007-07-09-gran-79-l2-retstd-tsurfstd-gcp+0.5-laea-10km.tiff
> >> ## FIXME: specify ``no projection'' instead?
> >> source_srs='+proj=latlong'
> First of all, this seems to specify the projection system for
> the GCPs. Thus, it's essential. No FIXME: needed.
> >> target_srs='+proj=laea +lat_0=55.0 +lon_0=90'
> >> ## FIXME: more clean error handling
> >> set -x -e
> >> long_lat_to_gcp () {
> >> gawk '$1 != -9999 && $2 != -9999 {
> >> print "-gcp", (NR - 1) % 30 + .5, int ((NR - 1) / 30) +
> .5, $1, $2;
> Here, the `-gcp MINOR MAJOR LONGITUDE LATITUDE' lines are made.
> It's assumed that the data is stored as an 30x45 (30 pixels
> along the minor dimension) array, i. e.:
> a [1, 1] ... a [1, 30] a [2, 1] ... a [2, 30] ... a [45, 30]
> These are to be tailored for the data to be processed (e. g.,
> 1354 x (10 * scans) for 1 km MODIS L2 swath.)
> >> }'
> >> }
> >> gdal_translate \
> >> $(paste <(hdfdump --text "$file" {Long,Lat}itude) |
> long_lat_to_gcp) \
> Extraction of the geolocation arrays is done with `hdfdump' [1],
> yet another ``HDF to plain-something'' conversion tool. It
> could probably be done with `hdp' or GRASS (through the ``x, y''
> location) as well.
> Now, the `-gcp ...' lines are put into the command line for
> `gdal_translate'. Command line arguments arrays are subject to
> OS- (and configuration-)dependent limits, and it's assumed that
> there's enough room for that many options.
> This assumption could easily become false for MODIS data on most
> OS, with some 1000000 points (or more.) Either some points are
> to be discarded, or the GCP setting is to be applied in multiple
> passes. I haven't tried doing either.
> >>
> "HDF4_EOS:EOS_SWATH:\"$file\":L2_Standard_atmospheric&surface_product:TSurfStd"
> \
> This line have to be tailored according to the way GDAL ``sees''
> the file. One could use `gdalinfo' on the file in question to
> find the pattern one needs.
> >> "$file_gcp"
> >> gdalwarp \
> >> -tps -s_srs "$source_srs" -t_srs "$target_srs" \
> >> -tr 1e4 1e4 \
> Since MODIS data has finer resolution than AIRS, the destination
> resolution should be changed as well. E. g., `-tr 1e3 1e3'
> could probably be used for 1 km MODIS L2 data.
> >> "$file_gcp" "$file_out"
> >> --cut--
> >> Is there any chance that GDAL will obtain ``GCPs'' from the
> >> HDF-EOS file directly?
> Of course, this would eliminate all the aforementioned issues,
> and the script itself.
> >> [...]
> >>>> The one more problem with the MODIS L2 data is that it consists of
> >>>> overlapping scans -- MODIS could ``see'' some parts of the Earth in
> >>>> consequent scans.
> This is one more question I've had to check. May be the
> conversion has to be done scan-wise -- each scan is to be
> selected and georeferenced (with `gdal_translate' and, e. g.,
> the above script), then reprojected with `gdalwarp'. The
> resulting reprojected strips are to be somehow merged after.
> [...]
> [1] http://theory.asu.ru/~ivan/devel/hdfdump/
> PS. I feel that the gdal-dev mailing list is a better place to discuss
> this kind of problems. Could we move there?
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