[GRASS-user] Correction for terrain effects?

nikos.alexandris at felis.uni-freiburg.de nikos.alexandris at felis.uni-freiburg.de
Fri Nov 30 13:27:43 EST 2007

I got the 2nd edition of the GRASS-GIS book from a friend. 

Excellent! It is one of the best introductions in GIS and
RS that I have
seen. Special attention is given to the terminology used in
the field of
GIS and RS which is very important... as we tend to use
very often, not correct. 

I tried to follow the example for correction of terrain
effects in a
MODIS surface reflectance NIR band 
(...as far as I know, MODIS surface reflectance imagery is
corrected for atmospheric effects). 

I don't get the desired results... The output is too bright
from what
one would expect it to be. 

Any recommendations?

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