[GRASS-user] I could not use v.in.ogr

Gustavo Martinez gumartin at mecon.gov.ar
Tue Oct 2 08:44:16 EDT 2007

El Tuesday 02 October 2007 12:33:20 temiz escribió:
> hello
> I could not use v.in.ogr.
> I have a postgis table
> at postgresql side:
> bzk2=> \d hey_yuk1
>            Table "public.hey_yuk1"
>     Column    |       Type       | Modifiers
> --------------+------------------+-----------
>  cat          | integer          | not null
>  hey_no       | integer          |
>  p_cat        | integer          |
>  yuk          | double precision |
>  wkb_geometry | geometry         |
> Indexes:
>     "hey_yuk1_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (cat)
>     "ix1" gist (wkb_geometry)
> when I wanted to import it to grass, I got:
> v.in.ogr dsn="PG:host=localhost dbname=bzk2 user=postgres"
> layer=hey_yuk1 output=gheyno115 type=point
> ERROR: Layer <hey_yuk1> not available
> But it actually exists and I can open it with QGIS
> what might be wrong ?
> the fact that it was created from another spatial table causes a problem ?
> regards

The table you listed is named "public.hey_yuk1", perhaps adding "public" to 
the table name could help.

Lic. Gustavo Martínez
Gestión de Pesquerías
Sub Secretaría de Pesca de la Nación
Paseo Colón 982, Anexo Jardín Pesca
Tel: (54) 11 43492165
Buenos Aires, República Argentina

“Que la tierra se vaya haciendo camino ante tus pasos,
que el viento sople siempre a tus espaldas,
que el sol brille cálido sobre tu cara,
que la lluvia caiga suavemente sobre tus campos y,
hasta tanto volvamos a encontrarnos,
que Dios te lleve en la palma de su mano.”

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