[GRASS-user] 4D radial basis function interpolation / extrapolation possible?

Jian Chen jianchen0 at gmail.com
Sun Oct 7 20:24:43 EDT 2007

Dear Grass'ers,

I am new to Grass and wondered if Grass provides a radial basis
function method to interpolate / extrapolate 4D data. Basically, I
need to get (interpolate / extrapolate) a velocity field in a
three-dimensional volume given several sampling data in the space. If
written in a function format, it looks like

result_new = f(x[], y[], z[], result[], xnew, ynew, znew);

where, x[], y[], z[], and result[] are known.
(xnew, ynew, znew) represent a point in space and result_new returns the result.

Can someone please advice? If Grass cannot handle this, can someone
please point other libraries to me that might be able to do so.
Matlab's griddata3 only does linear interpolation that doesn't help.

          Thank you very much!

               With best regards,
     Dept. of Computer Science
     Brown University

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