[GRASS-user] filling holes in polygons

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 20 08:34:35 EDT 2007

Tara Athan wrote:
> > I have a vector polygon layer with holes and I need to fill the holes.
> > It is a complex boundary with hundreds of vertices so I would rather not
> > do it by manually deleting the interior vertices. Is there any tool in
> > GRASS that could help with this task?

Michele wrote:
> I think "v.clean" could do this work

(v.clean tool=remove small areas, becareful you don't remove small islands too)

another way is to make sure the holes have centroids of the same value as the
areas around them (v.centroids + v.distance), then use v.dissolve.

or give the boundary a category number with v.category, then extract just it
with v.extract and add a new centroid with v.centroids.


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