[GRASS-user] OT: transform mapinfo tab file with coordsys to world file

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Fri Oct 26 09:23:11 EDT 2007


This question is a bit off-topic, but related to what we need to do with 

We have a series of georeferenced .tif files accompanied by .tab files 
which look like this:

Definition Table
   File "s5_15 nw3_b-iii.tif"
   Type "RASTER"
   (513881,9523020) (1008,1098) Label "Pt 1",
   (519881,9523020) (10493,1111) Label "Pt 2",
   (519881,9517020) (10451,10523) Label "Pt 3",
   (513881,9517020) (990,10509) Label "Pt 4"
   CoordSys Earth Projection 8, 104, "m", 15, 0, 0.9996, 500000, 10000000
   Units "m"

However, gdal does not support the Mapinfo's CoordSys:
"only control points used, Coordsys ignored" 

I guess that if we could transform these files into ESRI world files 
(http://www.gdal.org/frmt_various.html#WLD), we could import them easily 
with GDAL. But how to do this, as ESRI world files give transformation 
parameters, not points and projection info ?

Or is this the wrong approach ?

We can obviously easily import each file into an XY location and then 
run i.rectify on the basis of the available points, but I was wondering 
whether there is a better way.


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