[GRASS-user] OT: transform mapinfo tab file with coordsys to world file

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Mon Oct 29 05:45:13 EDT 2007

On 27/10/07 04:45, Hamish wrote:
> Moritz Lennert wrote:
>> We have a series of georeferenced .tif files accompanied by .tab 
>> files which look like this:
>> Definition Table File "s5_15 nw3_b-iii.tif" Type "RASTER" 
>> (513881,9523020) (1008,1098) Label "Pt 1", (519881,9523020) 
>> (10493,1111) Label "Pt 2", (519881,9517020) (10451,10523) Label "Pt
>>  3", (513881,9517020) (990,10509) Label "Pt 4" CoordSys Earth 
>> Projection 8, 104, "m", 15, 0, 0.9996, 500000, 10000000 Units "m"
>> However, gdal does not support the Mapinfo's CoordSys: "only 
>> control points used, Coordsys ignored" 
>> (http://www.gdal.org/frmt_gtiff.html).
>> I guess that if we could transform these files into ESRI world 
>> files (http://www.gdal.org/frmt_various.html#WLD), we could import 
>> them easily with GDAL. But how to do this, as ESRI world files give
>> transformation parameters, not points and projection info ?
>> Or is this the wrong approach ?
>> We can obviously easily import each file into an XY location and 
>> then run i.rectify on the basis of the available points, but I was 
>> wondering whether there is a better way.
> 1) check if the georeferecing info is registered in the tiff file (if
>  it is a GeoTIFF) with 'gdalinfo'. If it is, just use r.in.gdal.

This is the relevant output:

Coordinate System is `'
GCP Projection =

So it actually seems to recognizes everything. But r.in.gdal does not
seem to use this info during import.

> 2) If gdalinfo shows no georeferecing info in the file, you can add 
> those four ground control points with 'gdal_translate' -gcp'. Note 
> the "line" parameter (y pixel) may start from the top, not the 
> bottom, so you might need to do height-line_number. (only try that if
>  it fails)

The gcp's are imported when we import the file into an XY-location.

> A quick search of the EPSG file shows 6 possibles:
> 3) Do you know what projection it is supposed to be in?

We know what the projection is. It is all contained in the MapInfo string:
Projection 8, 104, "m", 15, 0, 0.9996, 500000, 10000000 Units "m"

which translates to

PROJCS["Transverse Mercator",

But as can be seen above, gdal does not recognize this.

> If you can find the EPSG code for that you can add that into the
> GeoTIFF with 'gdal_translate -a_srs'

Using -a_srs with the above WKT definition in a file (gdal_translate 
-a_srs proj S5_15\ NW3_B-IV.tif brol.tif), I now get:

Coordinate System is `'
GCP Projection = PROJCS["Transverse Mercator",GEOGCS["WGS 

when running gdalinfo. So, the GCP projection info is more complete, but 
the file is still not recognized as georeferenced when importing with 
'r.in.gdal location='

Maybe I'm doing something wrong...

> or create a new GRASS location using those parameters. Then import 
> with 'r.in.gdal -o'

This does not work, the map is imported in its xy-extents, not the
projected extents.

> Seeing you do have some numbers there already, importing to a XY 
> location and using i.rectify should be a last resort. (note, you can 
> use those four given tie points in the i.rectify POINTS file, it's 
> plain text edit it by hand after setting a few rough points to see 
> the format/order)

As mentioned above, the existing GCP's are imported by r.in.gdal.

So, we can automate r.in.gdal & i.rectify, but I was wondering whether 
there was a better way...


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