[GRASS-user] Acoustic noise

Glynn Clements glynn at gclements.plus.com
Mon Oct 29 19:10:19 EDT 2007

Markus Neteler wrote:

> > I am trying to find something in GRASS to use for acoustic noise
> > evaluation.
> > I found a paper of Brovelli e Scuratti that says they developed a module 
> > in GRASS but I can not find the module or the source code. Does anybody 
> > knows if this software is open source? and if it will be where I can 
> > download it?
> Their site is
> http://geomatica.como.polimi.it/software/
> If it uses GRASS functions, it has to be published (since GPL).

The GPL doesn't require that you "publish" derivative works, only that
any distribution complies with the GPL (i.e. you provide or offer to
provide source code, and licence the code under the GPL).

It's permitted to create derivative works and never release them, or
to only give copies to specific people. If you give copies to others,
they are permitted to redistribute them further, but are not required
to do so.

IOW, the GPL doesn't require distribution, it just prohibits
prohibiting distribution.

Anyone who has a copy of a GPL'd work can distribute it (or not) as
they see fit, but someone who doesn't have a copy has no specific
right to obtain one.

Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>

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