[GRASS-user] Compiling addons from svn repository

gianluca massei g_massa at libero.it
Mon Aug 4 07:39:14 EDT 2008

Hy list,
I'm writing a C module for multiciriteria decision analysis in GRASS. 
I've a problem with doublevalue  multiple answers processing.
The code is like that:
/    weight = G_define_option();
  weight->key        = "weight";
  weight->type       = TYPE_DOUBLE;
  weight->required   = YES;
  weight->multiple   = YES;      weight->description = _("Criteria 
weight(s) (w1,w2,..)");/

I'd like extract single value so, I tried this:
/    for(i=0;i<ncriteria;i++)
      G_message(_("Peso %d : %lf"),i,weight->answers[i]);
but the value is always 0.0000.
I'm not a guru.  Is there  anybody so patient to help me?



P.S. I'm afraid  this is the second message posted to list. Exuse me!

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