[GRASS-user] get message warning: unable to open font map in i.points such file

Glynn Clements glynn at gclements.plus.com
Fri Feb 1 06:00:15 EST 2008

Philipp Steigenberger wrote:

> > If you don't have permission to modify etc/fontcap, you can use e.g. 
> > "g.mkfontcap -s > ~/.gfontcap" to create a personal copy then use e.g. 
> > "export GRASS_FONT_CAP=$HOME/.gfontcap" to make GRASS use that file
> > instead of the system copy.
> >
> >   
> Glynn,
> In this way it works. But do I have to put this
> g.mkfontcap -s > ~/.gfontcap
> export GRASS_FONT_CAP=$HOME/.gfontca
> into the .grass.bashrc, that don't have to export it every time I open a 
> new bash?

You only need to run g.mkfontcap once (or when you add new fonts), but
the "export" statement should go into ~/.grass.bashrc (or some other
shell startup script).

> (
> I opened a new bash and got there:
> GRASS:~/gw$ echo $GRASS_FONT_CAP
> ....
> GRASS:~/gw$
> )
> For my new GRASS svn it doesn't matter, but for me its in general 
> interesting to know how to work with /export/ in such cases. Is there a 
> file where the bash saves all the env-variables and how to influence it.
> - But probably this is off-topic...

bash won't save environment variables, but it reads a number of files
at startup. The details are all in the bash(1) manpage, but some
subset of the following files will be read when an interactive shell
is started:


Also, GRASS runs whatever is in ~/.grass.bashrc when starting the
session shell.

Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>

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