[GRASS-user] Hypsometry profile

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 7 19:08:39 EST 2008

mort wrote:
> I've generated profiles with use of r.profile command, so I have txt
> output file.
> On basis of this file I need to prepare the hypsometry profile.
> The simple one I can prepare with OpenOffice, but I need more
> complicated one which will prepare an output  file (eps, image?)
> at least with horizontal and vertical scale defined by the user (me
> in this case).
> Do you know any of such software running on Linux?

You could try with many softwares.... 

ETOPO2 dataset:
 g.region rast=etopo2
 r.transect -g map=etopo2 line=-180,0,90,360 > equator_elev.dat

All of the following should allow nice EPS output instead of default
ugly X-window versions. (e.g. Gnuplot's X-Window stuff is very ugly but
PNG,EPS,SVG output can look very nice)

Octave (or Matlab):
$ octave
>> eq_elev = load('equator_elev.dat');
>> figure(1)
>> plot(eq_elev(:,1), eq_elev(:,4))
>> figure(2)
>> hist(eq_elev(:,4))

$ R
> eq_elev <- read.table("equator_elev.dat")
> hist(eq_elev[[4]])

$ gnuplot
gnuplot> set terminal postscript
gnuplot> set output 'elev.ps'
gnuplot> plot "equator_elev.dat" using 1:4 title 'Elevation'
(check if your version of gnuplot supports 'set style data histogram')

Python:  (maybe someone else can help here)
>>> plot() 
with Matplotlib (PyLab)
>>>  hist(x, 100)   # use 100 bins



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