[GRASS-user] File size limit exceeded

Philipp Steigenberger userlist at online.de
Fri Feb 8 04:47:58 EST 2008

Hi list
Using v.surf.rst I get sometimes thes message "File size limit exceeded":

g.region rast=hull res=1; v.surf.rst qpd maskmap=hull elev=dtm_1m 
zcolumn=z --o
Percent complete:
File size limit exceeded

It works well with a resolution of 5 meters.

I guess I have enough space on the disc where my grassdatabase is. (15 GB)
IS there a posibility to tell GRASS not to limit the filesize - or to 
increase it?

Same problem when I use r.resamp.rst:

r.resamp.rst srtm_basic_5m ew=1 ns=1 elev=srtm_basic_1m mask=wo_07_mask
Processing all selected output files will require
*537.543.028* bytes of disk space for temp files.
File size limit exceeded


r.resamp.rst srtm_basic ew=5 ns=5 elev=srtm_basic_5m mask=wo_07_mask
Processing all selected output files will require
*880.528.752* bytes of disk space for temp files.
Temporarily changing the region to desired resolution ...
Bitmap mask created
Changing back to the original region ...
Percent complete:
dnorm in ressegm after grid before out2= 379.474663
dnorm in mainc after grid before out1= 379.474663
dnorm in mainc after grid before out2= 379.474663
Temporarily changing the region to desired resolution...
Changing the region back to initial...
r.resamp.rst complete.

In 2nd case the temp space is larger than in first ???
(*880.528.752 <->** 537.543.028 bytes)
Thank you


on shantih
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