[GRASS-user] Quantization of a true color GeoTIFF

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 10 23:43:28 EST 2008


I have a 16244x12706 GeoTIFF file (600dpi scan) which is made up of 7
colors but came as a 3-band 24bit True Color image.

I can import with r.in.gdal as red,green,blue bands, but it's huge and

I can't use pnmquant as it overflows the RAM. (I have 2GB physical + 2GB

I tried Indexing it to a small number of colors with the Gimp, but after
the process the colors were all changed. I can index as 256 colors with
little color change in the Gimp, but that is still 249 more than I need.

I want a CELL map with cat=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7] values with RGB set for each
category by r.colors.

I guess I can use the Gimp to index to 7 (wrong) colors, import that into
GRASS, then use r.colors + the Gimp's eye-dropper tool on the original to
fix them.

Staying with the original 3-band import, how to find the 7 peaks in the
r.composite histogram, filter out anything that isn't a peak by changing
its value to be that of the nearest peak, and reclass to 1-7? As
r.reclass can take ranges for input, I guess I can be a bit sloppy in
finding the peaks and use the result of r.stats as input to r.reclass,
then extract a "hardcopy" from the reclass map with r.mapcalc a=b.

any one have a bright idea how to do this with minimal data loss


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