[GRASS-user] Re: Projection of dataset does not appear to match the, current location!!! (Glynn Clements)

rchirgwin at ozemail.com.au rchirgwin at ozemail.com.au
Fri Feb 15 03:25:05 EST 2008

> >  i am Trying to display  one raster image  kept on my harddisk,,
> > I have kept spearfish60 on /usr/local/grassdata so I set Location :
> > spearfish60
> > I have made one user user1 then i set Mapset: user1..
> > then i start grass ,,
> > the n throu command
> > r.in.gdal -e in=nf42.tif out=tm
> > then i am getting the error,.,,
> > 
> > Projection of dataset does not  appear to match the current location!!!
> > I have tried the same thru GIS manager,,,
> > file->import->Raster->multiple formats using gdal..
> > I want to know where i am doing wrong..
Glynn suggested r.proj. If you find that not working, you could also 
geo-reference the import raster to your existing location.

1) Use r.in.gdal, but check the "create new location" box. This will 
create a new location based on the projection of the raster import.

2) Close Grass-GIS, and restart it in the new (import) location.

3) Georeference the raster to display it in the old location.

If you only want to display the imported raster - if it doesn't have 
anything to do with the other dataset - then when you've imported it and 
started Grass-GIS in the created location, it will be available as a 
raster layer.


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