[GRASS-user] wxpython gui: d.vect.thematic raises error

G. Allegri giohappy at gmail.com
Mon Feb 25 11:42:08 EST 2008

You're right Michael. Sorry for not being exhaustive.
I'm doing test on Kubuntu 7.10
Grass: 6.3.0 RC5
python: 2.5.1

TWO ERRORS with vdigit and v.vect.thematic


I've loaded (inside the manager) a polygon layer and an empty line
layer to digitize the latter.
Then I've run vdigit from the "tools" menu. I've selected the line
layer as the layer to be digitized.
I get an error window with:

"Unable to initialize display driver, see README file for more information."

Nothing happens... and I loose control on the GUI. I have to kill it
and restart Gra

SECOND ERROR: d.vect.thematic

I create a thematic vector map (from the gui). It's a point layer. I
ask to use graduated_points on a double type attribute.

Execution failed: 'd.vect.thematic map=topsoil_completo at tesi
type=point column=Ece themetype=graduated_points themecalc=interval
size=9 maxsize=25 nint=10 colorscheme=blue-red --q'

GRASS_INFO_ERROR(16631,1): *** You must open a display monitor ***

The same error raises if I launch it from commandline both in wxgrass and tcltk.
Again, I loose control on the GUI and got to kill it.

In Grass tcltk this command works correctly:

d.vect.thematic -s map=topsoil_completo at tesi type=point column=Ece
layer=1 icon=basic/circle size=9  maxsize=25 nint=10
pointcolor=255:0:0  linecolor=0:0:0 startcolor=255:0:0
endcolor=0:0:255  themetype=graduated_points monitor=none
themecalc=interval colorscheme=blue-red


2008/2/25, Michael Barton <michael.barton at asu.edu>:
>  On Feb 25, 2008, at 4:14 AM, grass-user-request at lists.osgeo.org wrote:
>  > Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2008 01:24:39 +0100
>  > From: "G. Allegri" <giohappy at gmail.com>
>  > Subject: [GRASS-user] wxpython gui: d.vect.thematic raises error
>  > To: grassuser <grass-user at lists.osgeo.org>
>  > Message-ID:
>  >       <e12429640802241624i15de3c42u50c6297de6e35212 at mail.gmail.com>
>  > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> >
>  > Another problem with the python GUI.
>  > I tried to create a thematic layer with the following command:
>  >
>  > d.vect.thematic map=topsoil_completo at tesi type=point column=Ece
>  > themetype=graduated_points themecalc=interval colorscheme=blue-red --q
>  >
>  > It raises an wxpython error window with this:
>  >
>  > "Execution failed: 'd.vect.thematic map=topsoil_completo at tesi
>  > type=point column=Ece themetype=graduated_points themecalc=interval
>  > colorscheme=blue-red --q' "
>  >
>  > while in the Grass shell appears the following track:
>  >
>  > GRASS_INFO_ERROR(26517,1): *** You must open a display monitor ***
>  >
>  > Sometimes this thematic map appears displayed, but not correctly (just
>  > a subset of the points, with the same size), sometimes this exception
>  > appear.
>  >
>  > Is it something with my wxpython again?
> Again, could you please describe the context in which you are running
>  this?
>  Are you trying to do this from the command line or adding a layer to
>  the layer manager?
>  If you are adding this to the layer manager, the display should be
>  handled automatically. However, if you are trying to run this from
>  the command line, you must open an x monitor or specify another
>  display driver yourself.
>  Also, it would be helpful to know what version you are running, since
>  there have been recent updates to both wxPython GUI and to
>  d.vect.thematic.
>  Overall, you should normally tell us basic information about your
>  system, GRASS version, and for the GUI, the context you are running a
>  command.
>  Michael
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