[GRASS-user] get message warning: unable to open font map in
i.points such file
Philipp Steigenberger
userlist at online.de
Mon Jan 28 03:47:51 EST 2008
Hi Hamish,
thank you for helping always and everybody in the way you do! Approvals!!!
d.legend or d.text don't print text. I get the same message:
WARNING: unable to open font map '/usr/lib/grass/fonts/.hmp': No such
I'll ask the superuser for answering the questions of compiling.
om shantih
Hamish schrieb:
> Philipp Steigenberger wrote:
>> I use in university a cvs of GRASS 6.3 in debian.
>> The other day I got a problems with fonts in i.class and today the
>> same using i.points.
>> There are no words on the buttons. onlay grey beams (Balken)
>> in Konsole I got the message
>> WARNING: unable to open font map '/usr/lib/grass/fonts/.hmp': No such
>> file
>> usr/lib/grass/fonts/.hmp contains:
>> GRASS:~$ ls -A /usr/lib/grass/fonts/
>> cyrilc.hmp greekc.hmp hersh.oc1 italicc.hmp romancs.hmp
> scriptc.hmp
>> gothgbt.hmp greekcs.hmp hersh.oc2 italiccs.hmp romand.hmp
> scripts.hmp
>> gothgrt.hmp greekp.hmp hersh.oc3 italict.hmp romans.hmp
>> gothitt.hmp greeks.hmp hersh.oc4 romanc.hmp romant.hmp
>> any idea what to change?
>> May I (as a user) do something or do I need a superuser?
>> Should we reinstall a newer cvs?
> Apparently stroke fonts fail -- do things like d.legend or d.text print
> text? 'unset GRASS_FONT' ?
> self compilied? from original source or debian build?
>> I there a mirror somewhere where we can find ready-to-use and
>> up-to-date debian-packeges?
> It is a moving target, so usually you'd build it yourself, e.g.
> http://hamish.bowman.googlepages.com/debiangisfiles#compile
> or get debian build rules from DebianGIS svn and run auto-build tools.
> you might ask on the DebianGIS mailing list for better advice:
> http://wiki.debian.org/DebianGis
> GRASS 6.2.3 (in unstable now, soon to be in testing and etch-backports)
> is fine for most work and is well tested.
> Currently at backports.org for Debian/Etch is version 6.2.1
> http://packages.debian.org/grass
> Hamish
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