[GRASS-user] Georectify problem

Adam Dershowitz adershowitz at exponent.com
Tue Jul 29 20:00:30 EDT 2008

I am having a problem with the georectify tool that is probably  
obvious to someone who is more familiar with the tool.
I have a jpg that I want to georectify into another mapset.  I  
imported that jpg into an xy mapset and then followed the steps in the  
georectify tool help (I am using 6.3 on a Mac).  The problem that I am  
running into is that only the middle half or so of the jpg is being  
rectified.  In other words while I am putting in the control points  
and such, both maps cover a certain size, and both look correct.  But  
once I am done georectifying the new raster is in the correct location  
and size, but only the middle part of it shows up.  It is as though I  
had just cut out part of the image and then correctly sized and placed  
Any idea what might be going on, or what I can do about it?

One other clue is that the resolution of the destination mapset is 0.5  
meters, while the source image (the jpg that I am trying to  
georectify) is 1.0 m.  But since it is not ending up scaled funny I am  
not sure that this is the problem, or what I would do about it if it is.
When I open GRASS with each of the mapsets and view the default maps,  
I don't end up seeing just that middle area, so I don't think that it  
has to do with the default regions and such, but that seems most  
likely.  Do I have to set some region or something to get it all to  

Thanks for any suggestions.


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