[GRASS-user] r.sun2 uses another prefix than the one defined in "horizon=" parameter!

Nikos Alexandris nikos.alexandris at felis.uni-freiburg.de
Fri Jun 6 15:21:45 EDT 2008

On Thu, 2008-06-05 at 16:27 +0200, Nikos Alexandris wrote:
> r.horizon elevin=$ELEVATION direction=0 step=$HORIZON_STEP horizon=
> gives "horizon" maps like hortest.45_0, hortest.45_1, etc.
> r.sun2 expects something like hortest.45_000, hortest.45_001, etc.
> Is this a bug?


not really a bug, but, since r.sun2 needs eventually map(s) from
r.horizon why shouldn't  r.horizon name its output after what r.sun2

Thank you,


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