[GRASS-user] I need help

Philipp Steigenberger userlist at online.de
Thu Mar 6 17:09:35 EST 2008

Nikos Alexandris schrieb:
> On Thu, 2008-03-06 at 14:07 +0100, Raonel wrote:
>> Nikos Alexandris escribió:
>>> On Thu, 2008-03-06 at 13:18 +0100, Raonel wrote:
>>> Hi Raonel!
>>>> I have already discharged the installer of Grass but I am not able to
>>>> install it. I have the manual but I don't understand the form that they
>>>> explain as making it
> [...]
>> I execute the command sh grass6install.sh
>> grass-6.2.2.tar.gz_Linux_bin.tar.gz and he doesn't find the directory.
> Can you be more specific please?
> I assume you try to install GRASS under linux. Which distribution
> (version) of linux?
> >From where did you download GRASS (the 
> grass-6.2.2.tar.gz_Linux_bin.tar file)  and the "grass6install.sh"
> script?
>> You speak spanish?
> Hmmm, un poquito! Entiendo mas o menos pero este "foro" es en ingles.
> Podria darme mas informacion por favor ( aunque sea en Spanglish) ;-)
> _______________________________________________
Hola Raonel,
bien venido al mundo GRASS
aquí una lista de difusión en español:


quizá vas a encontrar ayuda por allá.

swich to inglés...

You have to unpack the tar.gz by

tar xvfz grass-6.2.2.tar.gz_Linux_bin.tar.gz

Then change into this directory and read the README.
run the .configure.sh
if this works well

you can run



make install.

If you get errors from the configure.sh., tell them again

Es muy importante que siempre cuando escribes un mail a la lista añades 
la version de GRASS y el sistema (Ubuntu, suse, debian ...) y el numero 
de la version, para que la comunidad sepa las informaciones básicas. 
Además usa un sujeto más significativo como "Problems by installing 
GRASS 6.2.2". Casi toda la gente que escribe al foro needs help :-P

Mucha suerte

PS: Nikos, Ich dachte Du schreibst aus Griechenland... aber weit 
gefehlt. ;-) Grüße aus Augsburg
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