[GRASS-user] Importing a binary file: (a) why isn't the command logged in the maps history? (b) why is the resolution of the imported map slightly different than expected?

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 19 03:20:38 EDT 2008

> Daniel Victoria wrote:
> > Could it be a cell center / corner issue? Normally header information
> > gives cell corners...

> You are the Man! Correct!
> 1. gdalinfo /home/nik/grassdb/tmp/glc2000/Binary/GLC_EU_V2.bil -noct
> Driver: EHdr/ESRI .hdr Labelled
> Files: /home/nik/grassdb/tmp/glc2000/Binary/GLC_EU_V2.bil
>        /home/nik/grassdb/tmp/glc2000/Binary/GLC_EU_V2.hdr
>        /home/nik/grassdb/tmp/glc2000/Binary/GLC_EU_V2.stx
>        /home/nik/grassdb/tmp/glc2000/Binary/GLC_EU_V2.clr
> Size is 8064, 4256

If gdalinfo can read it, why not use r.in.gdal instead of r.in.bin?
It's less work.

> (a) why isn't the command logged in the maps history?

r.in.bin and r.in.ascii now updated in 6.3svn to write out command
history.  (This has had to be done manually for all modules which create
raster maps. We have now done this for most of the common modules and so
it is encouraging for folks to find it strange when it is missing)


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