[GRASS-user] off-topis: bulk downloading of Landsat tiles from GLCF

maning sambale emmanuel.sambale at gmail.com
Fri May 23 01:03:29 EDT 2008


Not specifically a grass question.  How do I download in bulk a number
of Landsat tiles from GLCF.
for example: ftp://ftp.glcf.umiacs.umd.edu/glcf/Landsat/WRS2/p114/r052/p114r052_7x20010909.ETM-EarthSat-Orthorectified/
I want to download only the bands 1-5 and 7and the metadata.

I need to do this for 52+ plus Landsat tiles.


| __.-._ |"Ohhh. Great warrior. Wars not make one great." -Yoda |
| '-._"7' |"Freedom is still the most radical idea of all" -N.Branden|
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